Mickey Mouse Sex Tape

It all started in 1928.


In 1928, Mickey Mouse was created by Walt Disney. Mini Mouse was created a week later. A young man named "Ben Dover" had a sexual attraction to animated animals. He thought Mickey and Mini were "hot as fuck" and began to draw frame by frame shots of them having
sexual intercourse. He added voices and put it on VHS. He lost the tape the next day


I was in the forest, alone, masturbating when I saw a VHS tape. I looked at it and it said "Walt Disney Presents: Mickey and Mini's Bedroom Adventures!". I brought it home and played it on my VCR. I watched it. Then I ejacula- I mean, ejected the tape. I took it out and kept it in my room, under my bed.


I turned 26. I figured it was time to move out. My mom helped me pack my bags, and she found the tape. I killed her. I had to. I didn't want her to know I was into cartoon porn. And that's it. I didn't get haunted or anything.